Understanding the Times and Seasons

We all know the importance of timing in our lives, and how essential it is to be aligned with the purposes and the timings of God.

Psalm 31:15 says, ‘My times are in your hands.’

God established day and night, times and seasons, and we can see throughout both the Old and New Testaments how these were celebrated, as referred to in the Law and the Prophets. The Feasts of the Lord were appointed times for celebration and for prophetic revelation. With each new month and season, the people of Israel would gather and bring a First Fruit offering to the Lord. Jesus and the disciples continued to observe these appointed times, honouring the order God had set up from the beginning.

As you go through each First Fruit Celebration, known as Rosh Kadesh, the name of the month and the tribe associated with that month will enable you to seek God’s presence for prophetic revelation. We believe this is how Issachar understood the times so that Israel knew what to do - see 1 Chronicles 12:32.

Download below a list of the Biblical months with the tribes and the Scriptural blessings related to them.

In remembering them, we keep ourselves in a cycle of revival, feasting upon fresh revelation as we seek the Lord's face, so as to keep us in step with the Holy Spirit.

Trevor and Sharon Baker